On our day-visit to Batu Pahat last week.. OMG panasnya!! Bukan lah nak merungut sangat, tapi memangggg! After lunch, bahang kat luar da mula masuk rumah and by 3pm it was getting worst and while the entire house hold (Al.. mom-in-law..nieces..nephew..cousin..maid) were happily having siesta, the four of us yang x berapa biasa tido petang ni were very much in hyper mode.. so what to do???? Nak tengok TV cuma ada citer kartun jer... errmmm nasib baik jugak rumah parents-in-law ni in the middle of town and just 3 mins away from Summit Parade Shopping Mall. At least its cooler and biasa ler.. shopping! Manalah tau, kalau nampak DVD ke.. t-shirt ker.. and o yeah, the boys needed to get their sneakers..

Mmmm.. dari jauh macam R2D-2.. rupa2nya cotton candy machine.. oopss.. macam jaks sket, and boys beriya2 nak cuba.. kena beli token RM3, pilih paket2 berisi gula bermacam2 flavor~strawberry, manggo, peppermint.. we chose peppermint :P Macam best jer ka..

The lady from the store gave us our token.. and a piece of stick.. put in the token and the machine starts.. so easy. But the whisking required skill and Zafree broke the stick halfway..nyeh! ;P~

Sorry boys! not the best looking cotton candy.. and it was harder than u think, really!

Bubble tea! Bubble tea! Kenapa lar susah sangat nak dapat bubble tea nih kat Shah Alam??!! I think it was just about 6 months ago since I visited Summit Parade, and the place now have a few bubble tea..blogs..whatever u wanna call it booths! They're so much fun to drink and chew, I think rather than have those yucky coffees at BP's many so called 'trendy' kopitiams, I'd rather have these chewy and superlicious blogs-bubbles anytime!

This time my very brief trip to BP was highlighted with these chewy-bubbly goodness.. and I'll probably won't dread following hubby to his hometown anymore ;P~ BTW, that's the Yoghurt Passion Fruit Blog and the kids had Oreo Blog :D