Monday, April 13, 2009

Cameron Highlands

Early morning, on the road to Cameron Highlands, first trip for the family. We stopped by this bridge to enjoy the scenery and the small stream below. Wished we could trek downhill and have a cool dip.. but we have yet to arrive at Tanah Rata. The road was wide, and not many vehicles as it was on Saturday. We were very excited as we were beginning to feel the cool breeze of the mountain air. Fresh morning and the sky was slightly cloudy.

Pretty stream below the bridge.

Approaching the very crowded hills and taking in the views of the farms, no space was left wasted and planted with vegetables of some kind..

While I was ooh-aahing over the sceneries, Al was ooh-aahing over these trucks! 

Had a memorable picnic at the local park whilst enjoying the wonderful weather :) I had expected more flowers but all I could see were these cannas and anthuriums.. I guess I have to pay my way into one of the flower farms if I want to see some nice roses.. chrysanthemums.. ;(

Zafree and Zachwan exploring the bridge wished they could play in the cool water..

A shroud of tea plants looking like thick carpets over the Boh plantation. Its very romantic here, I could see why so many comes here repeatedly to enjoy these views..

Valley of tea, though very tempting to walk through the delightful bushes, I shudder to think about the climb back uphill..

Zachwan, he doesn't drink tea much.. but loves the sense of being in the middle of something edible.. :)

nyeh.. tourists.. ;P

Me and the boys :)

Watching the tea plantation workers drying the newly picked tea leaves. There were also small bungalows and cabins for rent nearby.. but since there were many dogs around, I think I'd prefer the local apartments. But this place is really suitable for peaceful weekend getaways..
Blue flowers, anyone?

I think this was Lingzhi.. about RM10 and considered cheap to buy. I don't think it will survive the heat and weather downhill. 

More weird looking fungi from the jungle.. I don't particularly know what they're for but looked kinda groovy, don't cha think ? ;P

This is the best! Straight from the hills.. they're big and thick! You're not Malaysian enough if you don't eat these Petais!! You can eat them raw.. sambal it.. grill it.. masak lemak it.. fry it.. pickle it.. which ever way you find yummy! ;P~

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