I stumbled upon a few photos of this waterfall while looking for our usual waterfall hunting session.. mmm.. the only sungai I've been to in Negeri Sembilan was Ulu Bendol and that was yeaarrss ago! I'm not familiar at all with the roads and districts around N9, but hey, I always tells Al that the journey is already an adventure by itself, and the reward is getting there. So OK, we just need to drive to Seremban-K.Klawang and hopefully there will be a few signs, or locals to ask in case we got lost ;P The surrounding areas was lush green and there were a few other forest parks and streams nearby...

Public amenities like chalets, huts, changing room, toilets and stalls are available and well maintained. There were some works going on to upgrade the park and though this place is not as well known as Ulu Bendol, but it was obviously quite a favourite among the locals. So avoid Sundays, especially in the afternoon. Untuk yang berminat nak camping atau sewa chalet, ada pejabat di entrance.. tapi haritu Ahad, tutup..

A short 300m or so walk on the cemented path towards the swimming pools and 3 tier waterfalls. According to the locals, there are 7 tiers of waterfalls upstream, if one is very enthusiastic enough to trek... nyeh, ni pon dah termengah-mengah!

Pool in this photo ni dalam jugak.. about 4-5 feet, children's pool is situated at lower part of this water catchment (on the left). Ada waterslides and although shallow, parents have to be cautious of the bad workmanship of the cemented surfaces around this area.

Walaupun kecil, air yang menderu agak deras..

The 2nd tier offers more fun in hydro shower! Tapi kena scramble sikit turun from the cemented steps. Very small and shallow pool :)

Zafree yang selalunya 'sporting'. Ajak sekali jer naik atas, nak tengok waterfall 'Jom mama!' Adik and Afan still at the bottom pool, playing with their tubes. Nyeh! no sense of adventure... at 2nd tier, air terjun memang deras! Extreme Hydro Shower! Nampak jer kecik... tapi air menderu turun and cetek, air turun dengan pasir.. it gets into your eyes.. ears.. hair.. 5 mins dah x tahan! Tapi syok giler!!!

Air Terjun Jeram Toi yang menawan dan nyaman... :)
More photos, click here.
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